My sweet mamma Anita is like the Goddess of the stove for Italian Cooking. When she cooks, everybody watches her with admiration and Respect, it's like a Coooking Class. It's a sort of Religion in the kitchen, all she has to do is light the fire... and suddenly the kitchen is her Temple. She is like a Private Italian Chef for our Family.
Well, I grew up in that Temple! Since I was a child, getting ready for school, I always had one eye on her hands, smelling the delicacies I woud have eaten later: Authentic Italian Food!
She taught me how to make Italian Lasagna and then she told me that this is the same Lasagna that her mamma (my nonna) used to make and before that, her greatgrandma and before that her greatgrandpa who was the Royal Chef for the last King of Naples in 1859! Mamma mia, big responsability! Lots of Italian Chefs in my family history.
Slowly my passion for Italian cooking was fed by curiosity and also by cooking competition between me and my brothers. Healthy culinary competition that is still alive today, firing up our evenings with great Authentic Italian food and wine when I'm home...in Naples. There's no cooking competition with Mamma of course, nobody would never imagine that, we just learn from her: just like a lovely Cooking Class!
From Tradition to Innovation, my research about Italian Food has never stopped: from my friends' grandmas recipes to the most refined Gambero Rosso plates. Almost everyday I test myself having fun and giving joy to my tablemates as a Personal, Private Italian Chef!
And now, that I am in the States, my whole family in Italy (Uncle Enzo, Uncle Gigi, Uncle Tony...) write me with new ideas for my Cooking Classes, Private Dinners, Italian Catering: a new recipe, a new secret....this helps me a lot, I must say! They always remind me of my roots.
Wherever I am in the world cooking, I study the local products to combine them with my basic knowledge: AUTHENTICITY and SIMPLICITY. This is just what I need for real Italian Food! And that's what I do: Italian Cooking Classes, Italian Private Dinners, Italian Catering, Italian 100% !!!
I cook, knowing that every night I have another big, healthy, yummy culinary competition....so I smile, I turn on the fire and the curtain opens!
I am featured on Thumbtack as the most authentic Italian Private Chef in Portland!
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It all began one sunny day in my mamma's kitchen...
...in Napoli!